Concurrency in ADA

Concurrency with Tasks

Modern versions of ADA support concurrency through tasks. The easiest way of using this is to define a task like you would a procedure or function. A basic example is as follows:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
    task My_Task;

    task body My_Task is
        for I in 1 .. 10 loop
            Put_Line("In The Task");
        end for;
    end MyTask;
    for I in 1 .. 10 loop
        Put_Line("Outside the Task");
    end loop;
end Main;

This will print “Outside the Task” and “Inside the Task” interleaved, showing that you have concurrent execution of the Main procedure and the My_Task task.

Note that tasks are started automatically at the start of their relevant procedure.

Passing Values To and From Tasks

To pass values to and from tasks we need to use the entry syntax in the task definition. An example is shown below:

task Example_Task is
    entry Go ( Input : Integer);
    entry Get ( Result : out Integer);
end Example_Task;

This defines a task which will take an input when its Go() function is called and return an output when the Get() function is called.

When writing the actual task code we need to use accept statements. These will cause the task to wait until a specific entry is called, at which point the task will continue. It should be noted that code specified inside the accept statement is not executed concurrently with the main process. The associated task body for the above would look like this:

task body Example_Task is
    _Input  : Integer;
    _Result : Integer;
    accept Go ( Input : Integer) do
        _Input := Input;
    end Go;

    _Result := Slow_Function(_Input);

    accept Get ( Result : out Integer) do
        Result := _Result;
    end Get;
end Example_Task;

This task could then be used in a main procedure like this:

procedure Main is
    X := 4;
end Main;

Benchmarking Concurrency using Cooley-Tukey FFT

A good example of the performance improvements that can be made with concurrency is the basic Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm. The algorithm reduces the \(O(N^2)\) complexity of the standard Discrete Fourier Transform to \(O(N \\log{N})\) when N is a power of two. The algorithm is shown below:

function FFT ( IQ : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector is
    output   : Complex_Vector(IQ'Range);
    even     : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    odd      : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    even_fft : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    odd_fft  : Complex_Vector(0.. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    even_idx : Standard.Integer := 0;
    odd_idx  : Standard.Integer := 0;
    W        : Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types.Complex;
    exponent : Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types.Complex;
    I_Float  : Standard.Float;
    IQ_Len   : Standard.Float;
    -- Set output to input if length is one
    if IQ'Length = 1 then
        output(0) := IQ(0);
        return output;
    end if;

    IQ_Len := Standard.Float(IQ'Length);

    for I in 0 .. IQ'Length - 1 loop
        if I mod 2 = 0 then
            even(even_idx) := IQ(I);
            even_idx := even_idx + 1;
            odd(odd_idx) := IQ(I);
            odd_idx := odd_idx + 1;
        end if;
    end loop;

    even_fft := FFT(even);
    odd_fft  := FFT(odd);

    for I in 0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1 loop
        I_Float := Standard.Float(I);
        exponent := Complex'(0.0, Standard.Float'(
            ((-2.0 * Pi * I_Float)/IQ_Len)));
        W := e ** exponent;
        output(I) := even_fft(I) + W * odd_fft(I);
        output(I + IQ'Length/2) := even_fft(I) - W * odd_fft(I);
    end loop;

    return output;
end FFT;

The double recursion allows for concurrency to potentially add a performance improvements on multi-core systems. This can be achieved by creating a task which takes the even parts as an input and then calls the normal FFT function. This will then run in parallel with the odd element of the FFT recursion, before the two parts are combined in a single threaded manner. An example of this is shown below:

function FFT_CONC ( IQ : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector is

    task FFT_TASK is
        entry Go ( IQ : Complex_Vector);
        entry Get ( Result : out Complex_Vector);
    end FFT_TASK;

    task body FFT_TASK is
        Int_IQ     : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
        Int_Result : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'length/2 - 1);
        accept Go ( IQ : Complex_Vector) do
                Int_IQ := IQ;
        end Go;

        Int_Result := FFT(Int_IQ);

        accept Get ( Result : out Complex_Vector) do
            Result := Int_Result;
        end Get;
    end FFT_TASK;

    output   : Complex_Vector(IQ'Range);
    even     : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    odd      : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    even_fft : Complex_Vector(0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    odd_fft  : Complex_Vector(0.. IQ'Length/2 - 1);
    even_idx : Standard.Integer := 0;
    odd_idx  : Standard.Integer := 0;
    W        : Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types.Complex;
    exponent : Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types.Complex;
    I_Float  : Standard.Float;
    IQ_Len   : Standard.Float;
    -- Set output to input if length is one
    if IQ'Length = 1 then
        output(0) := IQ(0);
        return output;
    end if;

    IQ_Len := Standard.Float(IQ'Length);

    for I in 0 .. IQ'Length - 1 loop
        if I mod 2 = 0 then
            even(even_idx) := IQ(I);
            even_idx := even_idx + 1;
            odd(odd_idx) := IQ(I);
            odd_idx := odd_idx + 1;
        end if;
    end loop;

    odd_fft  := FFT(odd);

    for I in 0 .. IQ'Length/2 - 1 loop
        I_Float := Standard.Float(I);
        exponent := Complex'(0.0, Standard.Float'(
            ((-2.0 * Pi * I_Float)/IQ_Len)));
        W := e ** exponent;
        output(I) := even_fft(I) + W * odd_fft(I);
        output(I + IQ'Length/2) := even_fft(I) - W * odd_fft(I);
    end loop;
    return output;


To benchmark these implementations the time taken for each implementation to conduct 100 FFTs of size 32768 was measured. The non-concurrent version tool 5.598s, whereas the concurrent version took 3.167 seconds. This is almost a doubling in speed, but not quite, and this is likely due to the time taken to spin up a new thread and to stitch together the outputs once the thread has completed.