Writing a Basic FIR Filter in C (2)


In the previous article on writing a FIR filter in C I mentioned that there were a few optimizations which could be made to the code. In this section I will discuss these and who how the code can be improved.

Speed optimizations

The biggest flaw with the previous implementation is the shifting of the buffer array in the FIR_Stream_Mem struct after every sample is processed. This is done by re-writing every element of the buffer, as shown in the following table:

Changes to FIR_Stream_Mem->buffer


buffer Contents


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

N + 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

N + 2

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

This means that we are doing FIR_Stream_Mem->tap_len writes to memory in order to update the buffer. However, only one of the values in buffer has actually changed, the others have just shifted position. By changing the start position of the buffer, we can reduce the number of writes to only one per sample. The table below shows this in action, where the bolded positions are the start of the array.

Optimized FIR_Stream_Mem->buffer memory layout


buffer Contents


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

N + 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8

N + 2

7 6 5 4 3 2 9 8

To implement this method we first need to modify the FIR_Stream_Mem struct to record the starting position of buffer :

typedef struct FIR_Stream_Mem {
    size_t tap_len;
    double *taps;
    double *buffer;
    size_t buffer_start;
} FIR_Stream_Mem;

The buffer_start value should also be initialized to 0 in init_fir_stream:

FIR_Stream_Mem *init_fir_stream(double* taps, size_t tap_len){
    /* Create the output object in memory */
    FIR_Stream_Mem *output = (FIR_Stream_Mem*)(malloc(sizeof(FIR_Stream_Mem)));

    /* Copy the taps across */
    output->tap_len = tap_len;
    output->taps = (double*)(malloc(sizeof(double) * tap_len));
    memcpy(output->taps, taps, tap_len * sizeof(double));

    /* Set the buffer to all zeros */
    output->buffer = (double*)(malloc(sizeof(double) * tap_len));
    memset(output->buffer, 0x00, tap_len * sizeof(double));

    /* Set the buffer start position to 0 */
    output->buffer_start = 0;

    return output;

Finally, we need to modify apply_fft to loop index and update buffer correctly. We loop though buffer when applying the filter taps, so we make out first mod here. Rather than using the for-loop index, we calculate our own index using the following algorithm:

size_t idx;

if(mem->buffer_start + j < mem->tap_len){
    idx = mem->buffer_start + j;
} else {
    idx = mem->buffer_start + j - mem->tap_len;

This ensures we don’t get an out-of-bounds error by looping the index back to the start if it will otherwise overrun.

We also need to ensure that buffer gets updated correctly. This is done by setting the value at buffer_start to be our current input sample, then subtracting one from buffer_start. We again avoid an overrun by checking if buffer_start is 0, in which case we set buffer_start to be the last element in the array. This is done using the following code:

mem->buffer[mem->buffer_start] = input[i];
if(mem->buffer_start == 0){
    mem->buffer_start = mem->tap_len - 1;
} else {

This gives a final apply_fft function of:

void apply_fir(FIR_Stream_Mem *mem, const double *input, double *output, size_t size){
    /* Loop through all input samples */
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
        /* Calculate first output sample */
        double sample_output = input[i] * mem->taps[0];

        /* Loop through all the taps */
        for(size_t j = 1; j < mem->tap_len; j++){
            size_t idx;

            if(mem->buffer_start + j < mem->tap_len){
                idx = mem->buffer_start + j;
            } else {
                idx = mem->buffer_start + j - mem->tap_len;

            sample_output += mem->buffer[idx] * mem->taps[j];

        /* Update buffer */
        mem->buffer[mem->buffer_start] = input[i];
        if(mem->buffer_start == 0){
            mem->buffer_start = mem->tap_len - 1;
        } else {

        output[i] = sample_output;

Speed Boost

Modern compilers are pretty good at optimizing the code given to them, so does this modification actually give a noticeable speed increase? To test this we can use the following function which calls apply_fft 1,000,000 times and compare the execution times between the two implementations:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "fir_filter.h"

static double randfrom(double min, double max){
    double range = max - min;
    double div = RAND_MAX / range;
    return min + (rand() / div);

int main(){
    /* Seed random number generator */

    /* Create some random input data */
    double data[1024];

    for(size_t i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
        data[i] = randfrom(-1.0, 1.0);

    /* Create random taps */
    double taps[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1};

    /* Init fir filter */
    FIR_Stream_Mem *fir_filter = init_fir_stream(taps, 8);

    /* Filter data */
    double output[1024];
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){
        apply_fir(fir_filter, data, output, 1024);

    /* Deallocate the FIR memory */

Running the code with the unoptimized apply_fft took 25.936 seconds, whereas the optimized version took only 22.511 seconds.

Memory optimizations

As modern computers have a lot of memory I have not experimented with the possible memory optimizations which could be made to this code. However, there are two changes which could be made. The first is that the init_fir_stream function could store the pointer its given to taps rather than making a copy. This would reduce the memory footprint of the FIR filter at the expense of thread safety in multithreaded programs. Secondly, the buffer element in FIR_Stream_Mem is currently one byte longer than it needs to be - the final element is never used as part of the filter. This could be fixed, but it would make the indexing in apply_fft a bit more complicated.


We have explored ways in which the FIR filter implementation can be optimized for both speed and memory usage. In the next section we will look at extending the filter to integer and complex data types.